Thymus release 0.1.5

The second autumn release is here!

Library updates

Textual is updated to 0.40.0. Although it brings TextArea support, Thymus does not currently use it. The reasons behind this are covered below.

Lots of other libs are updated to the latest versions too.

Thymus AST

I moved out all things that parse config files and build syntax trees to a separate project. Now, one can install it from the PIP registry directly. I just needed this stuff in other projects and copying, pasting, and modifying it from many places is not as convenient as I want. Moreover, maybe someone also needs this functionality apart from Thymus. Now, that it is possible.


All unique commands that users input are saved now to allow them to navigate through the list and repeat any command without typing it again. The list is limited to 30 commands but I have plans to make this limit configurable. There are hotkeys for the navigation up and down through the list: Crtl+Up and Ctrl+Down.

Up show

One day I decided to make the “up” command combinable with “show” just like the “top” one. But for that moment the “show” part didn’t support relative paths and any sub-commands. Now it all is possible.

Platforms switch

When users open files, there are several UI elements that can influence the working contexts of these opening files. One of them is the Platforms switch which gives users the option to specify a platform type. The position of this switch was preserved during every appearance of the Open dialog but was lost after Thymus was closed. Based on the idea that users can work with a single platform during some project or maybe all the time, I decided to preserve the position of this switch saving it automatically in the main configuration file of Thymus.

What about the TextArea?

Despite that guys finally added this feature to the Textual lib it does not have a minimum set of features I need to ship you all that I want. I understood that lots of stuff I had to do on my own but some of the things were too expensive from the time point of view so I decided to wait for them from the original authors.

Stay tunatuned!

Written on October 22, 2023